Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 4

I hem and haw over which images I should use while we're on vacation. It's kind of rare to have a single, standout moment (among a hodgepodge of potentially standout moments) that truly outshines the others. But today, I'm going to buck my own collage trend and post just one.

As we stood in line to meet Minnie Mouse at her Toon Town home this morning, Adam and I must've had the same thought at virtually the same time: about eight years ago, as we waited in that very same spot to see Minnie, I snapped a photo of Abby, Logan, and Isaac all sitting together on the curb. So today, we took a modified version of that shot.

It's not perfect. To be perfect, Logan would need to be there next to Abby holding Lambie, and Isaac would need to be smiling for real (instead of gritting his teeth while suffering through a temper flare-up). But on the bright side, Brady --who missed out on the original version-- is there.

Things don't have to be perfect to be good, which is a relief since I'm probably not going to do anything perfectly for a long, long time.

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