Sunday, December 17, 2017

December 17

The kiddos took part in the Nativity play at church this morning. We didn't have a sheep front and center picking his nose this year, but we did have Isaac (as Joseph) delivering his lines with great aplomb (and generating some laughs from the audience, which he didn't quite understand after-the-fact), Brady toting gold as Wise Man number one (or, as he called himself, Wise Man hashtag one), and Abby fluttering her wings as a narrator and half of the angel Gabriel. (A younger girl wanted the role but there was some concern expressed about her ability to memorize all of the requisite lines, so a split was born.)

(Abby is on the left narrating. Brady is closest to Abby in dark green --squint hard to see him-- and Isaac is in blue.)

There's something utterly charming about watching children acting out the Christmas story. It's never perfect in the sense that adults want it to be perfect, but it's always beautifully perfect in its imperfection. And given that Jesus came to save us from our imperfections, that's quite a lovely truth.

1 comment:

  1. Annie really looked up to Abby this year for her role of Mary. She listened to all of Abby's advice on how to play Mary. I think Abby has a new friend in Annie.
