Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 5

I needed a Hello Kitty toothbrush for a gift I'm putting together, so I hit the dollar store to see if they happened to have one in stock. (They did!) As I checked out, my casual conversation with the cashier took a rather unexpected turn.

(So yeah, these are Christmas cookies from the cookie party last week and they don't have a lot to do with where I'm going here, but that's okay. They're still Christmas-y and that's what matters.)

She asked how I was and I gave one of my usual responses --either 'eh, I'm still here' or 'still breathing!' or the like-- and then I asked how she was doing. And the girl got real very quickly. She shared that she's okay but doesn't really like the holiday season because she doesn't get along well with her parents, and her other relatives and friends aren't local. She then said she'd had a hard time finding a Catholic church but felt like she wanted to attend a service for Christmas.

I smiled and told her that when it comes to Christmas, Jesus is what we're celebrating whether we're Catholic or Protestant, and I suggested she try any church. She seemed hesitant and said her parents would be upset with her for visiting a non-Catholic church, but I smiled and assured her, again, that connecting with other people --any other people-- to celebrate Jesus' birth is what really matters. It's what's in your heart, not where you go. She looked teary-eyed by hopeful as she replied "really? You think so?" and I said "definitely." I wish I'd had more time to connect with her because I sensed a profound sense of loneliness, but just then a woman appeared in line behind me and I had to scoot so she could get back to work.

But I'll definitely be praying for her, and I'm thankful for the reminder to be perpetually sensitive because there are lonely people all around me who need kind words and encouragement sent their way.

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