Monday, December 4, 2017

December 4

First off, a big happy birthday to my big brother Bobby! He's not a Facebooker and probably has no idea this blog exists, but I figure I'll say it anyway.

Now onto my usual business. As so often happens, I only took one photo today, and it was a completely random one that I snapped just because of the mood it emanates:

I was on my way upstairs this evening when I looked over into the living room. I always appreciate the glow of the Christmas tree, but the glow of the TV as the Little Boys played a video game gave it a slightly different look. And it made me think a bit. A few weeks ago, even before we got the tree, this room had a different look: we previously had a couch where the TV is, and the TV was over in the far right-hand corner. I'm not generally a big fan of change, but while I admired the scene tonight, I couldn't help but think about how change is both inevitable and necessary. And given that this scene is still lovely, the different layout isn't such a bad thing at all.

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