Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 20

When I met a friend for coffee this morning, she pulled a card out of her bag and slid it across the table. I asked if it was okay to read it then and there and she said sure, so I did just that. And it made me tear up a bit.

I have my positive attributes, but one of my less-than-great ones is a need for affirmation. I know I shouldn't need to have anyone fill my cup --God is the ultimate cup-filler, after all-- but I really do thrive on knowing --for sure-- that I'm valued or appreciated or loved (or all three). It's why I often go overboard with expressions of appreciation for people who are important to me: I want them to know they matter.

Anyhow, she'd written the sweetest note inside the card, and it was precisely what I needed in that moment. Thank you, T. Love and value you so much, too!

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