Sunday, December 24, 2017

December 24

It was another late-ish to rise kind of day for us. We had a little bit of very last minute shopping to finish, so we did that late this morning (see photo of Abby outside Walmart, laughing with a genuineness I love seeing from her as she stuffed her purchases under her sweatshirt before we went back to the car so the boys wouldn't see them), and then went on to lunch at Roy Rogers before heading back to home base to put up and decorate the little Christmas tree. (Fun fact: the mini tree that we use while we're here was actually mine when I was growing up. The large photo in the collage features my goofball family showing off their 'wonder' faces. Not even remotely contrived, said no one ever. But funny.)

My brother Charlie flew in early this afternoon, so after extended text exchanges with both of my brothers, he joined us for his first dinner of the evening (lasagna), some chatting, and the taking of our customary 'vacuous' photos. (Isaac did an especially admirable job capturing the mood.) Then after the kiddos were nestled snug in their beds (and couches and sleeping bags, depending on which kid we're talking about), Santa came. And that pretty much brings me to this moment in time.

Christmas is, of course, tomorrow. It's easy to get caught up in the small details that accompany a gift-giving holiday, but one truth remains for me: I'm thankful that Jesus was born all those years ago and that He makes it possible for my family to be whole again some day.

Merry Christmas Eve, folks. May your tomorrow be merry, bright, and blessed.

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