Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August 11

The kiddos began their 2020-21 school year today: Abby is a junior, Isaac is in seventh grade, and Brady, fourth. So of course, I did as I've done every year since Abby started preschool and took the traditional front door photos. They're different since we moved, but the idea's the same. And I do love continuity.

The first image is of the usual "stand there and smile" variety, and the second is the result of Adam shouting out "act like how you really feel about starting school today." So there ya go.

The first day of school is always something of a day of reflection for me, and today was no different. I was truly surprised to realize just how much Isaac grew over the summer (in sum: a LOT) and while I took these images I silently wondered where Logan would fall in the height-order. Would he and Isaac be almost the same size? Would he be taller? I don't know. And then a little later, as I scrolled my Facebook feed, I saw a succession of smiling kids beginning their high school years... and wished --as I've wished many times before-- that things could be different.

But in spite of that sadness, I'm thankful that Abby is a junior and Isaac is a seventh grader and Brady is a fourth grader. I'm thankful for the moments with them and for the times when they remind me of their brother. (I'm not exactly thankful for 100% distance learning, but I'm working on it.) And I'm thankful for this life, even when it's far less perfect than I'd like it to be.

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