Monday, August 3, 2020

August 3

I got up later than I will admit this morning (at least it was still technically "morning") and scooted off to Dunkin Donuts, which is yet another establishment that we don't really have nearby in CA. I ordered a chocolate glazed donut (and then immediately wished I could also have a strawberry glazed one and an apple one because, well, donuts) and also cheated on the Mother Ship by getting a coffee. (I know. I still feel bad.)

I had a little back and forth exchange with Eileen, a friend from my junior high days, enjoyed some down time, and then I went out in search of Jerry's Subs. That mission failed miserably, but I changed course and got myself a small Ledo pizza for late lunch/early dinner instead. (And Utz crab potato chips, since my aim was to become a regional Food Stereotype. So Utz. And crab.) 

And then at around 5 PM, I headed back over to Jimmie Cone, where I met up with Eileen and her two cuties for some ice cream and a very quick, very rainy catch-up. (It was like a monsoon was rolling through. Given that there's a Tropical Storm warning in place tonight that shouldn't surprise me, but since it doesn't rain at all in Northern CA during the summer, it was rather shocking.) I hadn't planned to see many people while I was here, but the timing lined up perfectly and I was happy to have the chance to talk with her a bit (and to finally meet Casey and Miles, too). 

So tonight, I'm thankful for the gift of unexpected meet-ups and for the ability to taste (and re-taste) foods that I can't usually get ahold of. Small things, but big blessings!

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