Sunday, August 30, 2020

August 30

We played cards after dinner tonight, which is something we've taken to doing a few nights a week. Look, here we are (mostly) smiling like a happy, card-playing family:

Tonight's game of choice was Class Struggle, which I played quite often during the long bus rides to and from Intermediate and High School. (I went to Magnet schools, so the rides could be a bit tedious at times.)

Anyway, certain members of this family of mine (who shall remain anonymous) don't like losing and found themselves on the losing end of the game more than once, so the smiles quickly faded and tempers flared. And then people scattered to their own respective corners, leaving Adam and I to do something we haven't had much of an opportunity to do of late: walk outside.

The air wasn't totally clear, but there was a nice breeze and it was blessedly quiet and drama-free, so I enjoyed our stroll quite a lot. So for the blessing of family time --even when it doesn't go quite as planned-- and for the implicit reminder that things don't have to be perfect to qualify as good and for those evening walks with my hunny, I am grateful.

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