Wednesday, August 12, 2020

August 12

Adam and I were taking a late-evening walk when I paused to exchange pleasantries with a neighbor. She was in her front yard diligently snipping past-due blooms from a rose bush. I told her how lovely they still looked, and she responded with a kindly thank you. I jokingly asked if she wanted to come trim the expired flowers from the two bushes in our front yard, and she immediately said she was up to it and asked for our address. Before I could reply, she quickly offered up some squash from her garden. Would I like some? No, I was definitely taking some. She would leave them on my porch. Done. I walked away, gratified and a little amused by the conversation.

And I was genuinely surprised when, an hour or so later, well after darkness had set in, there was a loud knock at the front door. I opened it and found her standing there with her pooch, this sweet bouquet of flowers, and some garden goodies -- squash, garlic (so much yum!) and a tomato (not pictured because it was a little bit squished, but it'll still be great with my homegrown basil and some mozzarella!). It was a very kind gesture, given that we don't know one another all that well.

But I do know one thing about her: she recently lost her husband. And I think that it's amazing that even amid what must be terrible grief, she's doing totally sweet things like this for people she hardly even knows. It just goes to show you that there's never a good excuse for not being good to someone else. And even during hard times, we can still spread sunshine.

So for those reminders and for Nancy's very sweet gift, I'm grateful.

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