Tuesday, August 18, 2020

August 18

Aphids munched on my beans and my peas have passed their prime, but the bell peppers are still going strong. Three of my plants are contentedly developing utterly non-surprising green fruit, but the fourth... the offspring of the fourth has been a bit more interesting than I'd expected.

Although these two were very briefly green like their neighboring pepper compadres, they very quickly turned black. At first I thought there was something wrong since the others didn't go through this phase. But they're not squishy and they keep growing, so apparently they're just different. I had no idea that black bell peppers were a thing, but I guess they are. (Or who knows; maybe I'll go outside tomorrow and they'll be turning red.)

So what's my point? I think many times, we go into situations feeling like we know what will happen. Predictability can be comforting, after all, especially when so much about the world right now is so deeply unsettling. But sometimes (and I'd even say "often" of late) things don't as anticipated and we have to adjust our thinking to make it through; we have to embrace what's different and let go of what we thought would be. 

So although my strange peppers confuse me a bit, I'm grateful that I get to watch them grow. And I'm excited to see what they become when they're ready to be picked.

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