Friday, August 14, 2020

August 14

It was H-O-T out today. Hot. The highest temp that my car registered as I was out and about (because since Murphy's Law is apparently an Actual Thing, Brady and Abby had material pick-ups at their respective schools and I'd arranged to meet with a rental broker over at our other house and we needed to do grocery shopping) was 107 degrees, which is high on the Yuck Scale for me, just above "Ugh" and slightly below "Oof." But this was a pleasant moment for me.

After they'd wrapped up their school sessions and confirmed that their assignments were done, Isaac and Brady asked if they could swim. And naturally I said yes. So upstairs they went to change and outside they went to the pool.

I peeked out the family room windows at them periodically to make sure neither of them was attempting to do anything stupid (which, again, is a potential Thing because they're 9 and 12 year old boys). All was clear, but I poked my head outside to check in with them anyway (and to ask Brady why on earth he was sitting at the top of the waterfall. Answer: he was letting the water build up so it would make a really big waterfall. I was skeptical, but surprise, surprise, it actually did work. Go figure). 

Anyhow, Isaac excitedly told me to watch, and then --with a measure of glee that I wish I could muster on a daily basis-- used his arms to push forth an impressive splash. He laughed and did it again, several times over. 

I love that these boys of mine still find joy in the simplest of things: blocking a waterfall to make a mega waterfall, splashing in water, racing each other from one end of the pool to the other. I wish we all did.

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