Friday, September 11, 2020

September 11

I decided to teach myself how to crochet a few months ago. Initially, it did not go well. I spent more time trying, feeling the frustration rise in my chest, and then putting down the hook and the yarn (because, you know, I wanted to learn so I could do a better job of relaxing) than I did actually making progress. (Ask Kristine. She knows.)

But then about a week or so ago, I was watching a very slow YouTube tutorial when --lightning bolt!-- I finally, finally, finally got it. The Hallelujah Chorus played in my mind. I got up and did a little jig (alone in the family room, since it was 2 AM and everyone else was in bed). And then I sat down and stitched several more rows since I'm a tactile learner: I have to do it to get it.

So tonight, as I sit here watching a movie with Adam and Abby, I'm thankful that I'm also sitting here working on an actual project using a skill that I taught myself. Given that I feel like my brain isn't what it once was, that in and of itself is a huge blessing.

1 comment:

  1. If you're looking for a good crochet sight with lots of help-videos, go to I'm crocheting stuff I never thought I could!
