Sunday, September 6, 2020

September 6

I just spent too much time trying to pick my favorite picture from today. In the end, I finally decided to just go with two since I like them both equally (but for somewhat different reasons). And honestly, I'm tired and it was an easier solution. So there ya go.

I head back home tomorrow, so today was the last full one of my trip. We talked for a little while early on and then before we went out to shop a bit in the afternoon, Kathy suggested we take a pic while we both still had non-wind blown hair. And we did that, but I didn't like how I looked in either of them, so we engaged in round two in the car. The one to the left is the result of me trying to get her to smile naturally. I don't even remember what I did, but she started laughing at something, and then I leaned in and pushed the button on her phone to take a pic, which made her laugh more. So then I took this one, too. And I love, love the result so much because pictures of people laughing make my heart so happy. It's almost like I can hear their joy all  over again when I look at them, and I can always use extra doses of joy. The second image is from a bit later, when we were no longer non-wind blown, but I like it too because it looks (and was) happy. And relaxed. And since I came hoping to have a chance to just be for a little while, that moment was a blessing, too.

At any rate, I'm heading to bed feeling grateful to have had this time here with Kathy, and grateful that Adam is always so willing to bless me by holding down the fort at home so I can take time for myself. And I'm grateful to my kids for being good for him while I was gone! (I hope.) I'm surrounded by wonderfully amazing people who fill out and enhance my life in different ways, and I am thankful for every single one of them.

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